Wednesday, March 19, 2014

End times

Hello All,

Tonight I've decided to start writing my end times series again. I will be posting some of it here as I write it. You can also catch it on Bible chat on the Turning Leaf Radio network. I will also have the whole thing put on CD when finished so anyone that wants a copy can get one.

Be blessed!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Remember God loves you

Hello my fellow followers in Christ,

I can't sleep again tonight and I was praying and I remembered something. No matter how bad you think you are or how much you think God is mad at you don't fret God will always love you! I myself have had down times and even times where I thought God abandoned me but I have always through his love got myself out of feelings of doubt. So keep your head up and read your scriptures daily!

I leave you this thought tonight. God bless you!


Monday, March 3, 2014

Hello all!

Tonight I'm thinking about new beginnings. When we find something that inspires us to better our fellow man and start on a course to see it through it becomes a kingdom matter. This internet radio station that I am heading up is already starting to come together nicely. We are putting full effort into everything Godly and God will bless us.

Thank you all who read this blog may it be a Godly inspiration to you.

Be blessed!

Brandon Turner

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Technical Difficulties

Thank you all who tried to log in to hear the show at 5 we are having technical difficulties with the system it is showing the show scheduled to begin at 11 pm and there is no way to get the clock to reset and we have to go by that clock in order to start the show. I will be starting the show tonight at 11 pm like the clock has scheduled if you cannot make it I will post a link here after so you may hear the archive. We do apologize for any problems this may have caused.


Brandon Turner

Today's Radio Program.

Hello All!

I hope everyone is having a blessed day! Today starts the first day of our live Radio blog/show. If you wish to attend please go to I also will be posting the archive on Facebook as well. The program will start at 5 p.m. Eastern time and will be a call in program the number will be given at time of broadcast.

Thank you all who follow this blog I hope you can get a blessing today!

Brandon Turner